About Encamp Resort at Cherapunji

Immerse yourself in nature's grandeur at Encamp Resort in Cherrapunji, Meghalaya, pin code 793108. Known as the Wettest Place on Earth, Cherrapunji provides an idyllic backdrop to this stunning resort. Catch breathtaking views of lush landscapes and legendary waterfalls, or set off on adventure trails for an unforgettable experience. Experience true tranquility amidst the rolling hills and enchanting mist of the Northeast. This is more than just a resort, it's a gateway to an unexplored parad


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tag 5000 for 2 Persons.

Accommodation summary

Encamp Resort at Cherapunji


Property Photos & Facilities

Carbon Footprint:1

Encamp is committed to reduce your carbon footprint by planting 1 trees for this booking.

1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year

Encamp plants a tree for every booking that happens through us.