About DKT Homestay

Experience the serene beauty of West Kameng at Dkt Homestay a cozy haven located in Shergaon in the majestic state of Arunachal Pradesh This comfortable homestay offers an immersive view into the authentic local culture and breathtaking scenery of the region Plan your visit to unlock a serene getaway full of unforgettable moments With Dkt Homestay Arunachal Pradesh awaits your discovery


Carbon Saved

tag 2800 for 2 Persons.

Accommodation summary

DKT Homestay

West Kameng

Property Photos & Facilities

Carbon Footprint:10

Encamp is committed to reduce your carbon footprint by planting 1 trees for this booking.

1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year

Encamp plants a tree for every booking that happens through us.