About Borail Eco camp

"Discover the untouched beauty of Assam at Encamp Borail Eco Camp nestled in serene Cachar district Assam Escape the hustle-bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of nature Experience sustainable eco-friendly camping while indulging in exciting activities and local culture The campsite's location- Indragram Pt II offers an exquisite gateway to Assam's diverse flora and fauna sure to enthrall nature lovers adventure seekers and peace enthusiasts alike Come experience


Carbon Saved

tag 2000 for 1 Persons.

Accommodation summary

Borail Eco camp


Property Photos & Facilities

Carbon Footprint:10

Encamp is committed to reduce your carbon footprint by planting 1 trees for this booking.

1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year

Encamp plants a tree for every booking that happens through us.