About Bustee Village Farmhouse

Discover tranquility at the Bustee Village Farmhouse, situated in the serene ambiance of Lower Lingdum, near the historic Ranka Monastery in Gangtok. Nestled in the heart of East Sikkim, this sanctuary offers an enriching experience of rural India, amidst the natural beauty of the Himalayan landscapes in India's northeastern paradise. A blissful retreat beckons!


Carbon Saved

tag 6000 for 2 Persons.

Accommodation summary

Bustee Village Farmhouse

East Sikkim

Property Photos & Facilities

Carbon Footprint:10

Encamp is committed to reduce your carbon footprint by planting 1 trees for this booking.

1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year

Encamp plants a tree for every booking that happens through us.