About Letro Homestay Swiss Tent

Discover the beauty of Arunachal Pradesh at the Letro Homestay nestled in the picturesque Sangti Valley of Dirang Village Situated in West Kameng district this inviting homestay offers an authentic and memorable experience of North East India's enchanting culture tradition and hospitality The Letro Homestay is your ideal retreat in Arunachal Pradesh and your gateway to an unforgettable adventure in India's less explored North East


Carbon Saved

tag 3600 for 2 Persons.

Accommodation summary

Letro Homestay Swiss Tent

West Kameng

Property Photos & Facilities

Carbon Footprint:10

Encamp is committed to reduce your carbon footprint by planting 1 trees for this booking.

1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year

Encamp plants a tree for every booking that happens through us.