Embark on a journey of eco-consciousness at our Earth Day Carnival event, hosted by "Encamp Khanapara Eco Learning Centre", supported by Mr. Vishal Mehta, Kesaria Marketing. Explore nature with a healing forest hike, become a Waste Warrior through joining a citizen's movement, and shop at zero waste stalls for eco-friendly alternatives. Share in the joy of community eating at our potluck, learn how you can go circular on fashion with "Cloket," and discover t
"To enable behavioral change and generate funds for community-led climate action projects"
Encamp Adventures is a purpose-driven enterprise providing travel experiences in Northeast India. We are a signatory to the Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency and are developing an automated carbon footprint calculator to enable the end-to-end measurement of carbon emissions from a travel itinerary and reduction practices using technology interventions mixed with physical projects involving afforestation projects and nature-based solutions.
Encamp Adventure's travel footprint calculator is a crucial component of our foray into sustainable tourism. We believe this will increase the individual's awareness of their ecological footprint and drive behavioral change and collective climate action through community-led projects.
All events organized at Encamp Khanapara Eco Learning Centre are designed to be Zero Waste Events. We request you to keep the space litter free and kindly dispose off cigarette buds in dedicated bud disposal areas and carry your reusable drinking water bottles along.
1 tree absorbs approx 0.22 ton CO2 per year